Cephalodella megalocephala, a species which is characterized by several thick frontal cirri. Specimen from (4) |
Cephalodella megalocephala, lateral view; an eyeless species with short toes (total length : toe length > 5:1). This species is able to swallow diatoms, which are visible in the stomach of this specimen.(3) |
Cephalodella megalocephala, lateral view; an eyeless species with short toes (total length : toe length > 5:1). (2) |
Cephalodella megalocephala, the arrows in the two images point to the cirri in the apical field which are characteristic for this species. (2) |
Cephalodella megalocephala, virgate trophi; trophi type: E (stack of 5 images). (2) |
Cephalodella megalocephala, virgate trophi; trophi type: E. Left: focus plane on incus (dorsoventral view); right: focus plane on the manubrium, lateral view (3) |
Cephalodella megalocephala, left: specimen from (1); right: specimen from (5) |
Images of specimens from sample (2) courtesy of Dr. Martin Kreutz, realmicrolife. |
Location (4): Wupper near Müngstener Brücke; |
Habitat (4): epibiontic on the red alga Torularia atra in lotic water |
Date : 11.10.2022 (4); |
Location (5): nature reserve NSG Unteres Odertal; BB, Germany; Mummertgraben |
Habitat (5):plankton / "aufwuchs" on artificially exposed microslides |
Date (5): 15.05.2023 |
Location: Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer; pond (1); Mühlbach, Böhringen, BW. Germany, creek (2); Melon, Brittany, France (3), |
Habitat: Detritus in a plankton sample (1); between alge (2) |
Date: 19.6.2009 (1); 07/2021 (2); 28.08.2021 (3) |